Thursday, December 03, 2015


It seems that my "silent period", when I wasn't officially writing, was not as silent as I thought.  I keep finding documents scrawled in longhand.  I was working very hard to get my head straight and figure out my priorities.  These observations were probably written a year ago.

If I feel trapped and helpless, I will get depressed.

If I believe my choices are meaningless, I will get depressed.

If I believe that the desires of others are more important than my own, I will get depressed.

If I feel worthless, I will get depressed.

If pleasure and empowerment are defined by controlling others, I will get depressed.

                                     * * *

Freedom for myself and others is the soil in which love can grow.

Giving is not a trap unless there is a hidden agenda.

Doing what I want conserves my energy by eliminating inner conflict.

Self-improvement has no intrinsic merit.  I don't have to climb to the very top of the mountain to enjoy the view.

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